Decoding the Top 7 Catchphrases of Narcissists

Rebecca Zung
4 min readAug 15, 2023


By Rebecca Zung , LLC

Are you feeling exhausted and hurt after dealing with the selfishness of a narcissist? Have they left you feeling overwhelmed by their constant attention seeking actions and manipulation tactics to control what’s important to you? As if they don’t understand your needs, wants or emotions — have endlessly felt like used, manipulated and discarded. Sadly, this is all too common that we become accustomed to them freely using catchphrases for their own self-interest at your expense. So let’s begin decoding the top 7 catchphrases of Narcissists so that in turn you can start protecting yourself today against any potential harm from their selfish motives!

#1. “it’s all about me”. One of the catchphrases often associated with narcissists is “it’s all about me.” This particular catchphrase serves as a constant reminder of their self-centeredness. For instance, imagine having a narcissistic friend who consistently redirects any conversation back to themselves. It’s quite interesting to observe how they can effortlessly steer the discussion in a way that always revolves around them. This behavior can sometimes make it difficult for others to truly engage and feel heard in conversations with narcissistic individuals.

#2. “I’m the best”. Narcissists often have catchphrases that reflect their egotistical nature. They typically use boastful statements like “I’m the best” or “I’m the top performer” to display their grandiosity. While it is acceptable for someone to share their achievements to demonstrate credibility in a particular field, narcissists tend to use these catchphrases as a way to assert their perceived superiority. It is important to remember that acknowledging one’s accomplishments is fine, but using them in a way that belittles others or feeds into an inflated sense of self-importance is not relatable or desirable behavior.

#3. “You should know better”. Narcissists often utilize catchphrases to manipulate and control others. One such catchphrase is “You should know better.” This phrase is cunningly employed in various ways, creating a sense of superiority and belittling the listener. Another common phrase used is “I didn’t have that problem.” By uttering this, narcissists attempt to invalidate the experiences of others and establish themselves as faultless. Similarly, they may exclaim, “Oh, I can’t believe that you did that,” accompanied by an air of condescension, insinuating that their own actions would have been far superior. These catchphrases serve to reinforce the narcissist’s grandiose self-image and maintain power and control over the situation. It is crucial for individuals to recognize these manipulative tactics and protect themselves from emotional harm caused by narcissistic behavior.

#4. “That’s not my problem”. Narcissists have a regular repertoire of catchphrases. One that prevails in their interaction is “That’s not my problem.” This dismissive phrase speaks volumes about their lack of empathy and willingness to evade responsibility. Instead of offering support or taking accountability, they prefer to shift the blame onto others. When things go wrong, they are nowhere to be found, leaving you to deal with the aftermath alone. It becomes evident that their self-centered nature overshadows any concern for others. In essence, their catchphrases reflect their true character — one that prioritizes their own interests over the well-being of others.

#5. “You’re wrong”. They love this one because they love to find out that you’re wrong and they’re right they love to belittle and invalidate others imagine that you know there’s somebody who’s constantly friend or a colleague or a spouse who’s constantly looking to undermine your opinions and ideas they you know they might say things like you don’t understand anything you know you never get anything you’re way off.

#6. “That won’t work.” Narcissists love to use this phrase as a tool to invalidate ideas presented by others. For example, imagine having a colleague who consistently shoots down every suggestion brought up in a team meeting, even if it’s a good idea. It can be disheartening when they immediately dismiss and criticize without offering any alternatives or contributing any valuable ideas themselves. This behavior not only undermines the creativity and collaboration within the team but also highlights their self-centered nature. It leaves others feeling unheard and discouraged, as though their contributions do not matter. It is important to recognize and address these dynamics to foster a more inclusive and supportive work environment.

#7. “Trust me”. Which you should never do of course.

Understanding the hidden language of narcissism can allow us to be one step ahead in how we interact and communicate with them. Indeed, these top 7 catchphrases are just the tip of the iceberg; however, having an awareness of some of their prominent features will help provide us with a better understanding of narcissists’ behavior. Recognizing and subsequently avoiding manipulative conversations and behaviors can protect both your mental health and those around you. Though it may take time to fully grasp what a true narcissistic personality is comprised of, every journey has a starting point. By becoming aware and recognizing what these popular catchphrases really mean, this can be the first important step in mastering the language of narcissism.



Rebecca Zung

She is a Top 1% attorney, narcissist negotiation expert, YouTuber & creator of the SLAY Your Negotiation w/ a Narcissist program.